
An Authentic Experience
‘After every matter arranged we set out’ ~Lewis and Clark
We want to let our guests know we are NOT serving breakfasts NOR is a meal included with the rate. We have changed our business model and are no longer a bed and breakfast. We are a boutique hotel offering upgraded amenities and many newly refreshed rooms with LOWER rates. We have decreased all rates by upwards of 20% on ALL rooms. We will not serve a breakfast in the future. For your safety we spend several hours cleaning, and turning rooms and common areas each day so that you, as our guest, feel most comfortable while at the Inn. We have absorbed these extra labor costs and not passed them on to you, our valued guests by keeping our rates low and competitive within the destination. In addition, due to the time it takes to ready our rooms for guests arriving we do not allow check ins or early arrivals in person BEFORE 4:00. This is especially important on busy weekends, festivals or special events. Guests often ask if they can just park their vehicle and walk around but this takes time away from our staff to ready ALL rooms for ALL of our guests. We DO coordinate with every guest arrival times, check in procedures and parking. As we continue to navigate the hospitality we provide our guests and offer the best experience possible to all guests, we appreciate your understanding.
Call or text with any questions (314) 575-2925 Venetia, Owner & Innkeeper
Historic Rooms & Accommodations
Don’t see what you’re looking for or need more rooms?
Our sister property, Boone’s Colonial Inn offers 4 additional suites.
Cottage Suite
Our 1928 Arts & Crafts bungalow cottage three room suite is the most popular room at the inn.
Duquette’s Westward Supply
Continuing to refresh and revitalize this historic Inn we are now introducing Duquette’s Westward Supply guest room.
Blanchette's Urban Saddlery
One of two rooms on the garden level of the Easterly wing of the Inn, close to the Main Inn dining room.
Attic Loft
Enjoy a larger room with a bird’s eye view of Katy Trail and Missouri River from a small private balcony.
Guest Room Three
One of two queen rooms on a gallerie wrap around porch, this room has a private entrance out onto the porch to watch the hustle and bustle of the Historic District.
Expedition West
One of two queen rooms on a gallerie wrap around porch, with comfortable porch seating to watch the hustle and bustle of the Historic District.
Guest Room Six
One of two rooms on the garden level of the Easterly wing of the Inn, closest accommodation to walk out parking.